Rental Rules

  1. No insurance
  2. We are not responsible for damage, loss, injury and death suffered by renters riding motorcycles or pillion riders and other persons involved in accidents.
  3. All damage and loss of vehicle units and vehicle accessories are the sole responsibility of the renter.
  4. The renter shall not lend the vehicle to any other person.
  5. If the renter is stopped by the police and there is a fine due to a violation on the part of the renter, it is fully borne by the renter.
  6. If the renter is stopped by the police and there are fines due to violations from our side, we will be responsible.
  7. The vehicle is not allowed to be taken out of the island of Bali.
  8. Excess vehicle return time will be charged an additional fee calculated per hour of the rental period should be.
  9. Excess vehicle return time that exceeds 5 hours, will be charged 1 full day rental fee.